The Benefits of Breathwork!


The Benefits of Breathwork


Are  you familiar of the benefits of BREATHWORK? These are just some of the things it’s been known to help with…

   Anger issues


   Chronic pain


   Emotional effects of illness


   Trauma and post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD)

   Balanced blood pressure

   More time in deep sleep

   Reduction of feelings of trauma

   Stronger respiratory function

   Better immune system

   Release of stress hormones from your body

   Better mental focus

   Decrease in addictive behaviors

   Allowing emotional scars to heal

   Better outlook on life

   Contentment and joy

Getting High On Your Own Supply (DMT & Dopamine)

Euphoric States

& So Much More

“BREATHWORK IS one of the few modalities in existence that can access the subconscious domain without the use of plant medicine or hypnosis. In this, it restores the power to the individual where they can regain control of their unconscious narratives and begin to become the limitless architects of their experience once more. Remember, one’s unconscious beliefs carry far more power than their conscious mind. And BREATHWORK is the gateway to shift this at the level of the quantum – Where thoughts shape our reality.”

—- Kaya Leigh



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